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Management of OMS Surgery Complications

Posted on 6/6/2022 by Cole Anderson, DMD, MS
Management of OMS Surgery ComplicationsLike any other surgical procedure, OMS surgery poses significant risks post-op. Luckily, these complications can be managed by an OMS surgeon as they are widely trained in risk management after the surgical procedures in the treatment of disease, trauma, and reconstruction of the face, head, and neck region. Management of surgery complications aims to reduce pain and discomfort, fix abnormalities, and reestablish proper function in these areas.

OMS Surgery Complications

During an OMS surgery, the patient receives anesthesia or sedation to numb sensitivity on the operation site. This helps prevent the patient from feeling pain or makes them sleep through the procedure. The surgeon uses surgical tools to make incisions on the face or oral cavity to manipulate abnormal bone and tissue. After the procedure, the surgeon uses stitches to close the wounds and places a gauze to soak the blood, saliva, and pus from the operation site. One is likely to experience bleeding, soreness, swelling, and limited jaw movement after the surgery, especially after the anesthesia has worn off.

One of the major complications of OMS is severe hemorrhaging. To avert the occurrence of severe bleeding after surgery, OMS surgeons engage in preventive procedures during the examination. Surgeons evaluate the patient's past and current health condition. This keeps them aware of the possible bleeding disorder and prevents it. After the surgery, patients could experience a dry socket, a condition where the tissues fold to form painful pockets with blood clots and contain pus and cause infections.

This condition occurs after a tooth extraction procedure. One could suffer injury to the oral cavity, tongue, and nasal cavity. During the operation, damage to the muscle nerves could lead to numbness, pain, and TMJ disorder. To avoid complications, patients should maintain proper oral hygiene and have adequate rest, refraining from strenuous activities. Chewing on hard foods and using tobacco and alcohol makes healing lengthy and complicated.
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