Home For Patients Dental Blog Knowing When You Face a Dental Emergency

Knowing When You Face a Dental Emergency

Posted on 12/23/2021 by Cole Anderson, DMD, MS
Knowing When You Face a Dental EmergencyDental emergencies can happen at any time of the day. It could be a knock accident or biting into hard substances that damage your teeth. All these dental emergencies can damage your teeth and gums if not handled properly. In some cases, dental emergencies might not be so obvious. This means you'll have to examine your mouth thoroughly to identify them. Alternatively, dental emergencies might show through different signs. Some of them include sudden tooth loss, bleeding gums, and oral swellings.

Sudden Tooth Loss

Losing your tooth suddenly is a serious dental emergency. As much as it might not be painful, losing your tooth can cause a cosmetic disadvantage. If a tooth is loose, falls out, or is knocked out, it is important to get in touch with us right away. Handling the dislodged tooth properly can help restore it. However, the secret is in acting as fast as you can.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are another sign of a dental emergency. If you notice that your gums are bleeding after brushing or flossing, it may be due to a serious dental issue. You might also notice swollen gums, arching, and an unpleasant smell even after brushing. These are symptoms of early gum disease. Given the devastating damage this condition can cause, it is important to come in for treatment right away. If the condition is left untreated, it can advance into a severe stage known as periodontitis. At this point, the chances of losing your teeth are very high. Therefore, you should treat it as an emergency and get in touch with us immediately. The faster you act, the better your chances of success.

Oral Swelling

In most cases, swellings are a common sign of infections. Any kind of infection in your mouth could be threatening. This is why it is important to come in for further checks immediately you notice swelling in your mouth. Contact our offices for more information on signs of a dental emergency.
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